Wednesday, August 19, 2009

RTK Progress - Nearing two months after completion

Here is a brief update with respect to review counts. I started this process six months ago, and finished two months back (not quite, but off only a week or so). Thus far my reviews are less than 100 per day. I spend more time that I should on reviews, since I interleave them throughout the day. I am planning on doing a huge review in the morning and be done with them. Currently, this is my only impediment to other Japanese studies - not that this is bad, but it still takes time. Looking forward to when I have less than 50 reviews per day, but occasionally I fail a load of old cards that end up coming into roost for a few days.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tokyo train stations

Here are the top tourist train stations in Tokyo. Need to incorporate these into my sentence studies somehow.

東京駅 Tokyo Stn
上野駅 Ueno Stn
新宿駅 Shinjuku Stn
渋谷駅 Shibuya Stn
銀座駅 Ginza Stn
表参道駅 Omotesando Stn
原宿駅 Harajuku Stn
浅草駅 Asakusa Stn
六本木駅 Roppongi Stn
品川駅 Shinagawa Stn (easy shinkansen access if you stay in Shibuya area)
両国駅 Ryogoku Stn (sumo stables)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

LeitnerDS and tinyxml

I have been working on my SRS implementation for the Nintendo DS (named LeitnerDS) and thus far, I have the deck management code working fine reading my deck, schedule, etc. I decided to rip out the tiny xml parser that I wrote and release it separately, since it is useful and my older library (picoxml) had some issues that have since been solved in tinyxml. In any case, you might find my tinyxml code useful for embedded systems.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hacking Anki to Add RTK Keywords

Initial work is complete and it works well. Current implementation adds a title over the Kanji in the Question component only. To see the keyword you have to hover over the specific Kanji you are interested in. More later.

EDIT: This is now available in downloadable plugins as rtkize.